Friday, January 1, 2010

Sirius radio, don't fail me now!

I have always been amazed by those stars who manage to fade out of the limelight at home but remain mega-superstars in Germany. We are not talking about David Hasselhoff here, but actual musicians and actors who have somehow managed to remain big in Europe while fading into obscurity (more or less) in the US.

So it was very fitting that
THIS was the first song I heard on German radio today.
World. Superstar. Lionel. Richie.

That was how I always referred to him when I lived here before, as "World Superstar Lionel Richie", all because the Germans still show the man such love, you would think he was Elvis. He has new albums here every couple of years, is guaranteed prime time appearances just for showing up, is showered with love and affection, adored by his masses of German fans.

In the United States, we call him "Nicole Richie's Dad".

That was followed by Robbie Williams (the only person Jessica Simpson has covered and done a better job than the original) and then it happened.

"JUNGLE DRUM" came on.
THAT "Jungle Drum", one of those songs that makes you wonder if the singer is serious.
It was number one here and on the charts for 18 weeks in 2009.


And trust me, the Germans weren't trying to be funny when they bought all those CDs and downloads, they really dig this song.

Thank all that is holy for Sirius Radio online! :)


  1. A-duku-doom-duka-dooomm. . . Hey that's catchy.
    Really? 18 weeks? wow interesting.
    I will look forward to reading your blog and your perspectives.

  2. Re: "Jungle Drum"

    Shame on ze Germans - they need to listen to "Tik Tok" by "Ke$ha" and some "Iyaz" (place 1 & 2 of the US Top 100 Billboard Charts) badly!

  3. I wish the common German had the same outstandingly classy taste in music as our friends across the ocean. Miley Cyrus and Flo Rida being two of the Top Artists of 2009...

    "That bottom is waving at me, like 'Damn it, I know you!'"

    That's much better?! Trust me, the Americans weren't trying to be funny when they bought all those CDs and downloads. They really enjoy nodding heads and moving hips like "Yeah!"
