I never realized how much I hate snow until I lived in California, where snow as something you drove to Lake Tahoe to see, not something that came to you when you wanted it least. And so, as this winter approached, I was filled with a sense of dread.
The weather in this area of Germany is so rotten that you actually have a hard time settling on just what about it is worst. Is it the dampness? Or the fact that the sun sets at 4:00 in December? Is it the cloudy greyness? Or the sheer freezing friggin' coldness in the winter? I still haven't decided.
All I know is it started snowing on Sunday and we have had high temperatures in the teens this week. I cannot even motivate myself to go to a Christmas market when it is 5 degrees outside. There is not enough Gluehwein in the world...seriously.
So I am hibernating. Perhaps that isn't the best idea for someone who needs people and chatter and laughter as much as I do, but I haven't had a better idea yet. We are eating whatever we have in the cabinets (Pasta with peanut butter, anyone?) and peering through the windows, waiting for Spring.